Sunday 7 February 2016


if the  ancestors of man were  wakeup  after their  long  sleep  of centuries ,they would  be  amazed to see the world  today .the amazement would  be just  because the rapid advance of science has change the world beyond recognition. The benefits conferred by science are so numerous and wonderful that they are felt in every department of life. in the field of medicine and surgery, it has worked wonders .it has given eyes to the blind, ear to deaf and relief to the suffering .terrible diseases like plague, small pox, cholera and typhoid have been conquered .plastic surgery can transform an ugly woman into a beauty queen .heart transplants are now possible .even the sex can now be changed.

Science has enabled man to conquer time and space as result of which the world has shrunk .man can fly like birds  in the air ,swim like fish , rockets and spacecraft has reached the moon .science has revolutionized the means of communication through the telegraph ,telephone,telex,fax etc. radio ,televisions, video games ,cinema etc. , at very cheap prices .machines have released man from drudgery and from unintelligent and dangerous work .

But nobody can claim that science is unmixed blessing. no doubt, science has given us knowledge and power but it has failed to give us wisdom .what an irony of fate it is that we have better medicine and surgical instruments but we have much weaker constitutions and health .man produces vast quantities of goods but he does not distribute them evenly .the artificial shortage of goods, hoarding and profiteering are a peculiar feature of this present age. Science advances but all those things which make life worth living are neglected.
Terrible engines of destruction –long range artillery, mines, u-boats, pilotess rocket plans, atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, nitrogen bombs –have been invented and caused havoc. The specter of war and destruction hunts the world and nobody is safe.

indeed science is more a curse than a blessing .it will continue to be a great curse unless man ‘s  conscience and moral growth keeps pace with scientific advance .so long as science continues to be the handmaid of war , civilization is bound to be dark indeed . You also connect  me on this page:-